Sterling Distributors
Alfred W. Maser Company
Southampton Pennsylvania
(215) 942-0676
Arbor Industrial Supply Inc.
Greensburg Pennsylvania
(724) 832-2506
Camden Tool
Dennis Devlin
129 York Street
Camden New Jersey 08103
(856) 966-6800

D & L Industrial Supply
Irwin Pennsylvania
(724) 863-5505
Georgino Ind'l Supply Inc.
Penfield Pennsylvania
(814) 637-5301
Huston Inc.
New Castle Pennsylvania
(724) 654-6661
J. Howard Kennedy Company
Kennett Square Pennsylvania
(610) 444-4000
James H Cross Company
Erie Pennsylvania
(814) 833-1104
Jolley Industrial Supply
Sharon Pennsylvania
(724) 981-5400
Jones / Kinden Company
West Chester Pennsylvania
(610) 429-4280
Liberty Tool Company
West Chester Pennsylvania
(610) 431-4950
R G Brewton Inc.
Bridgeville Pennsylvania
(800) 638-5070
If there are no Distributors in your immediate area.
Please Contact Sterling Gun Drills Directly online.
Or you can call us Toll Free: 1-888-338-1049 from within the US or directly dial us at 1-802-442-3525.
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